Seeing is Believing Page 26
"I want to sail again." Kinsu sighed, tangling his fingers in the hem of Kell's too-large shirt. "But Kell owns all the ships in port and they'd laugh at me anyway. I'm not exactly—I don't have a sailor's physique."
"You're a good sailor though," Lenol mused. "We could go to another port."
"Kell would probably send someone after me." Kinsu paused. "Wait, we?"
"I find myself in need of employment," Lenol told him gravely, and Kinsu nodded.
"Not your fault." Lenol grinned, winking. "And you have no obligation to stay here, so your brother can't force you back—"
"He can. I'm not—I'm only seventeen." Kinsu made a face, and Lenol stared.
"You're kidding me."
"No?" Kinsu peered at Lenol curiously. "You didn't know that?"
"No." Lenol kept staring at him, and Kinsu shifted nervously. "You look young. Just… not that young." Kinsu laughed. "Well, how long until you're eighteen?"
Kinsu flushed a little. "Uh, two months. Give or take a week."
"That's not too long," Lenol decided. "So we wait two months and then run off."
"I don't know." Kinsu frowned, letting his head fall heavily against Lenol's shoulder. "I think Kell wants to send me inland. To learn about the merchanting side of things."
"You'll go mad," Lenol protested, hugging him closer. "You need the sea."
Kinsu laughed, smiling at Lenol with amusement. "It'll only be two months. And I'll stall as long as I can."
Lenol sighed. "No hope for it then. I'll have to kidnap you."
Kinsu laughed again, pleased that Lenol was here, even if he shouldn't have given up his commission for this.
"Meet me tonight, down by the Rusty Warthog." Lenol ordered, pressing his lips to Kinsu's cheek lightly before standing. Kinsu blinked at him wonderingly, because he couldn't quite tell if Lenol was serious. Lenol was out the window before he could ask though, and someone was knocking at the door.
Kinsu straightened his shirt distractedly. "Come in."
Lenol had never kissed him before. He was friendly and overly generous with his touching, but he'd never kissed anyone that Kinsu could remember.
"You're up." Kell sounded surprised, and Kinsu focused because Lenol was already gone.
"Yes?" Kinsu asked, confused.
"You were really out of it yesterday." Kell told him, crossing the room quickly. Resting the back of his hand against Kinsu's forehead, he frowned.
"I woke up feeling fine." Kinsu offered, patiently enduring Kell's skepticism.
"Hmm." Kell peered at him thoughtfully, brushing the curls away from Kinsu's face. "Alright, but I think you should take it easy for today. Just in case."
"Kell—" Kinsu protested.
"I won't be swayed on this, Kinsu. You were sick abed yesterday, and I don't want you finding your way into some remote corner of the house and passing out there." Kell commanded, straightening. "Keep to your rooms today, Kinsu. Tomorrow you can go gallivanting about."
"Fine." Kinsu sulked, making plans already to sneak out and meet Lenol later.
Lenol fidgeted nervously, tugging the thick cloak tighter around himself. It was getting really late, and he was beginning to think that Kinsu wasn't coming. Lenol hadn't really meant it as a joke, no matter how he'd played it in front of Kinsu. He was more than willing to take Kinsu and run down the coastline with him. But maybe Kinsu couldn't get out. Lenol sighed. Or maybe Kinsu hadn't appreciated Lenol's overture. He hadn't even thought about it, he'd just … kissed Kinsu. Kissed him. And then left before the footsteps in the hallway could catch him.
But maybe Kinsu hadn't minded, Lenol decided, watching the cloaked figures that wandered by for any hint of Kinsu. Yes … There, in the dark cloak with a small pack strapped to his back. He'd taken Lenol seriously then.
"Lenol?" Kinsu's voice questioned from beneath the hood, and Lenol nodded, knocking his hood back so Kinsu could actually see him.
"I was starting to think you weren't coming." Lenol smiled a little, picking up his pack from where he'd rested it against the tavern's wall.
"No." Kinsu folded his own hood down. His curls had frizzed in the humidity, and he stared at Lenol with wide eyes. "I'm not—Lenol, you have to get out of here."
"What?" Lenol frowned, confused as he crossed over to Kinsu. "Yes, that's the plan—"
"No. Now, without me." Kinsu cut him off, glancing over his shoulder nervously. "They know I left—they'll be following. I had to warn you because they know someone's been in my room—"
"They, who? Kinsu, you're not making any sense." Lenol cut him off, frowning at Kinsu. Kinsu looked pale, even in the dim light from the street lanterns.
"My brother." Kinsu backed up a step, wiping at his eyes with a quick, jerky motion. Lenol's frown deepened—he hated it when Kinsu cried, even if Kinsu brushed it off. "And he's hired a magician—"
"A magician?" Lenol interrupted again. "Why?"
Kinsu glared at him for a moment, and then shook his head. "Don't go back to the house, they'll catch you."
"Kinsu!" Lenol scowled, stretching his legs to catch up as Kinsu whirled and practically dashed down the street. "What the hell?"
"Stop it, Lenol!" Kinsu frowned at him, pretty green eyes dark as Lenol pulled him to a stop.
"No," Lenol refused immediately. "I gave up my commission for you. Tell me."
"I never asked you to!" Kinsu yelled, grabbing Lenol's arm as his eyes widened. "Oh. You could've—"
"I could've what?" Lenol demanded, increasingly baffled by Kinsu's behavior.
"The Spirit sank off the coast of Menaria." Kinsu whispered. "Kell had the magician curse it, because he thought I was on board."
"Your brother's trying to kill you?" Lenol scowled. He never had liked Kell. "You're not going back there."
"I wasn't," Kinsu admitted, not meeting his eyes. "But—Lenol—they set a trap. If I hadn't warned you, you would've gone back, right?"
"Probably." Lenol reached out and grabbed Kinsu's chin, forcing him to look up and at Lenol. "I'm going with you."
"No!" Kinsu shook his head, breaking free of Lenol's grip. "It's too dangerous."
"It isn't anymore dangerous than sailing on The Spirit was," Lenol countered, snagging Kinsu's wrist so he wouldn't get away.
"Yes, it is." Kinsu insisted. "Let go."
"You'll run off if I do." Lenol started walking, pulling Kinsu along with him. "So your brother was behind the curse. I'd wondered, but then he took you off—"
"Wait. You knew?" Kinsu stopped suddenly. Lenol winced; he hadn't meant to let that slip quite yet.
"I thought it followed you." Lenol shrugged. "And yes, I knew about it."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Kinsu demanded, wide-eyed and angry.
Lenol sighed. "Like I said, I thought it was following you. I thought you'd stayed behind, so The Spirit wouldn't be affected anymore—"
"But why didn't you tell me?" Kinsu pressed, yanking his wrist free.
"Because you loved it." Lenol frowned, studying Kinsu sadly. "Kinsu, the curse didn't matter. I was keeping enough of it from the ship—"
"You?" Kinsu's eyes narrowed in confusion.
"Yes." Lenol admitted. "If they're looking for you, shouldn't we be moving?"
Kinsu stared at him for a long moment. "Fine. But you're telling me everything." Kinsu ordered, stalking away.
"I've told you most everything." Lenol caught up quickly, falling into step beside Kinsu.
"No, you haven't." Kinsu frowned at him warily, and Lenol ignored how much that hurt. "Are you a magician, too?"
"No." Lenol grinned, shaking his head. "I'm special. Turn that way."
Kinsu turned as directed, frowning at him curiously. "What kind of special?"
"The magic-sensing-and-blocking type," Lenol teased, following Kinsu down the narrow alley.
"You block magic?" Kinsu asked disbelievingly. "That's not possible."
"It is," Lenol refuted che
erfully, drawing Kinsu towards a skinny road off to their left. "I do it. Kinsu, I have a little boat, will you help me man it for the few months you've got until you turn eighteen?"
"I—since when do you have a boat?" Kinsu demanded jealously.
"Since this afternoon," Lenol confided conspiratorially. "I've been saving for it."
"A two-man boat?" Kinsu asked skeptically. "That's not very glamorous."
"I'm not very glamorous, Kinsu." Lenol laughed. "It's a getaway boat. Or if you prefer, you can certainly go your own way."
"Why didn't you tell me, Lenol?" Kinsu stopped, frowning at him. "Didn't you think I'd want to know? I would've been more careful, and I wouldn't have been so …"
"That's just it, Kinsu." Lenol smiled sadly. "If I'd told you, it would've just upset you."
"I would—"
"You wouldn't have had as much fun as you did during The Spirit's last voyages, would you?" Lenol pressed quietly.
Kinsu sighed, crushing his palm against his forehead for a moment before staring at Lenol stolidly. "If I'd known, I would've gotten off The Spirit sooner. And Kell would've removed the curse sooner. And he wouldn't have immediately thought that's where I was hiding, and made his magician strengthen the curse to make sure that The Spirit actually ran fatally afoul of something."
Kinsu glowered at him darkly for a moment before sagging. "And then you got off to follow me, and they had no protections from it at all."
"I'm sorry, Kinsu." Lenol sighed. "It's my fault."
"It is not." Kinsu smacked his arm. "It's Kell's. And his fucking magician."
Lenol blinked at him. "Nice language."
"Shut up, I'm a sailor," Kinsu ordered, crossing his arms under his cloak. "This boat of yours had better be more than a rowboat."
Lenol laughed. "It's more than a rowboat," he reassured, touching a hand to Kinsu's back to guide him in the right direction.
"Good." Kinsu smiled at him, half-distracted by whatever thoughts were running through his head. Lenol frowned, but let him be—it was enough that Kinsu was coming with him. They'd figure out the rest later.
Kinsu frowned distractedly as Lenol led him closer to the docks. It was easy to let Lenol take charge, but Kinsu was debating how wise it was. He'd trusted Kell. He trusted Lenol, but he had even less reason to.
Kinsu had never heard of any type of magician who could only block or deflect magic—Lenol probably was telling the truth that he could though. Kell's magician had been pissed because it was affecting his ability to kill Kinsu off in an 'accident.'
Kinsu couldn't quite believe that Lenol was acting against his best interests though. It didn't make perfect sense either way, and Kinsu was sick of being uncertain. He didn't want to not be able to trust Lenol.
He'd never even begun to think—Kell had always been a bit strict, but Kinsu had never once thought he'd meant any harm by it. But apparently Kell wasn't content to own merely half the family business and to control it all. He wanted it all, no strings or Kinsu attached, and he'd officially lose his guardianship of Kinsu's half of it when Kinsu turned eighteen in two months.
It had been the only reason he'd let Kinsu onto The Spirit in the first place, so that it would be that much easier to make it look accidental. He didn't want to smear the family name or anything, after all. Kinsu bit his lip, letting Lenol guide him towards the end of the pier.
"It's the little one, the third from the end." Lenol told him quietly, and Kinsu nodded. He couldn't believe Lenol was seeking to harm him. Kinsu couldn't see how it would benefit Lenol, unless he was in league with Kell, which was entirely unlikely. Lenol had always been too warm for that.
"It's not much." Lenol was saying, and Kinsu forced himself to pay attention because he'd honestly much rather pay attention to Lenol than his thoughts on Kell. He could worry more about Lenol's motives later. For now he'd settle for getting as far from Kell and his magician as he could.
"It's not a rowboat." Kinsu smiled briefly at Lenol, studying the small schooner as well as he could in the dim glow of the lamplight from the ship's prow, and from the lanterns hanging behind them.
"Told you." Lenol grinned at him cheerfully. "Climb on. We can leave tomorrow if you'd prefer to have daylight with us?"
"Tonight," Kinsu replied immediately. Magicians had distance constraints, after all.
"Alright," Lenol agreed easily. "After you, milord."
"Not funny." Kinsu stuck his tongue out at Lenol, smiling despite himself as he crossed the rough planking of the pier towards the ship.
"Sure—" Lenol started to say, but hesitated, frowning.
"Lenol?" Kinsu stopped, turning back. Lenol was looking off down the pier, and Kinsu followed his line of sight to where Kell and the short, skinny rail of a magician stood. That made no sense—even if they'd left when he had, they couldn't have followed, could they?
"How are you doing that?" The magician rasped, his beady little black eyes narrowing suspiciously at Lenol. Lenol simply smirked, stepping closer—close enough that his sleeve brushed against Kinsu's.
"None of your business." Lenol's hand settled heavily on Kinsu's shoulder, squeezing briefly, reassuringly.
"Kinsu." Kell's voice sounded no different than it had the last hundred times he'd scolded Kinsu, and Kinsu really wanted to be anywhere but here right now. He couldn't deal with this because Kell wasn't supposed to hate him and wasn't supposed to be trying to kill him—
"I didn't want it." Kinsu blurted, edging closer to Lenol incrementally. "I don't want it! You can have it all, if you want it so much!"
Kell blinked, looking faintly taken aback. Then his face hardened. "Eavesdropping isn't polite, Kinsu."
"Neither is plotting to murder your brother!" Kinsu snapped angrily, ignoring the stinging in his eyes. He was not going to cry, not here, in front of Kell.
"You would've done the same if you were in my place, Kinsu." Kell laughed, shaking his head a little. "Don't say you wouldn't."
"I would not." Kinsu glared, crossing his arms under his cloak. "Just … go away, Kell. You can have the inheritance, business, whatever. Just leave me be."
"Like it would be that easy." Kell smiled pleasantly. "Not only do you have a witness to my intent to harm you, what happens when you change your mind later? It's simpler this way, and I've already paid Chethi his fee for getting rid of you. It's non-refundable, and I do so hate to lose money."
"I can't." Chethi spoke up, a frown creasing his face. "He's blocking me, a lot more strongly."
"Then kill him too." Kell snapped angrily, his glare locking onto the short magician. "Do what you have to, just get him dead."
Kinsu's eyes widened—The Spirit's crew had already died for him, he wasn't about to let Lenol die too—Lenol smiled, his fingers tightening briefly on Kinsu's shoulder.
"He's blocking all magic around him, not just around your brother." Chethi scowled at Kell irritably. "This was not part of the contract."
"If I kill him myself, you're returning the money I paid you." Kell muttered darkly, shrugging off his cloak and drawing the short sword belted to his hip. Kinsu jerked back, startled.
"Just give up, Kinsu." Kell ordered crossly, stalking across the pier towards them. Kinsu hesitated briefly before allowing Lenol to draw him closer to the ship.
"Get onboard," Lenol whispered near his ear, shoving him gently towards the small schooner.
"But—" Kinsu started—Lenol wasn't armed either, unless there was more to his detect-and-block magic power that Lenol hadn't told him about.
"Kinsu—" Both Kell and Lenol started at once. Kinsu scowled, obstinately stopping and crossing his arms. It really wasn't fair and he half-wished he could knock Kell on his ass and wallop him one for this. Lenol frowned at him, mouthing 'on the boat' at him, but Kinsu ignored him. He wasn't running away, though he wasn't really sure what he was doing.
Lenol had taken his eyes off Kell though, and Kell took the opportunity, lunging for Kinsu sword-first. The
strike breezed near enough to Kinsu that it ruffled his cloak a bit, but it hadn't actually hit. Kinsu stumbled back, fighting for options—running away was not an option, no matter how much Lenol wanted him too—
Kell lunged again, but stumbled, likely on the uneven planking of the pier, and slammed into Kinsu. Sword-first again, and Kinsu winced because he'd been too close to the side of the pier and they were falling and his forearms stung badly—
Kinsu gasped in a breath and then they were underwater. Kell was kicking, but Kinsu was fighting the shock of the cold, cold water and his cloak wasn't letting him move much…
Lenol watched with horror as Kell drove Kinsu over the edge of the pier, the both of them tumbling out of sight with a splash. Cursing fluently under his breath, Lenol kicked off his shoes and threw himself after them. He hadn't gone through this much to protect Kinsu only to let that bastard get him now.
As soon as he was submerged, the legs he wore on land shifted together and morphed into his tail. Lenol spared a moment to hope that no one actually noticed as he flipped off the tattered remnants of his breeches. Peering through the dark water, Lenol picked out Kinsu quickly, struggling against his cloak feebly.
Kell was treading water above them, but Lenol ignored that—Kinsu was more important. Kinsu's struggles were doing absolutely no good—he was still sinking steadily as he thrashed against his cloak. Lenol shot close and wrapped his arms around Kinsu's middle, getting an elbow in the stomach for his trouble. Kinsu wriggled a bit before going distressingly limp in Lenol's hold.
Lenol swam to the surface as quickly as he could—Kinsu hadn't been underwater that long, had he? Angling away from where Kell was swimming slowly back towards the dock, Lenol aimed for the boat as he pulled Kinsu up. Kinsu gasped in air as soon as they surfaced, which was reassuring, but the way he started to cough wasn't quite so.
"Len—" Kinsu managed, fingers hooking in the collar of Lenol's wet shirt.
"Shh." Lenol muttered, watching Kell climb from the water with a helping hand from the magician. Kinsu coughed again, breathing ragged. The water was odd around them, thick and smelling of blood and Lenol belatedly remembered that Kell had knocked Kinsu from the pier sword-first. "Are you hurt?"